Tuesday, October 21, 2008


You thought you were going to read something interesting? lol

Naw, just thought I would stop by and see my own blog which has been woefully ignored lately.

Let's see.....

I am behind in my online photography class but I hope to catch up this week.
I had my last day crop as a Creative Memories consultant last weekend.
I am going to go and crop with my friend Ruby at a Croptoberfest in DeSoto this coming weekend.
In about 2 and a half weeks, I will be leading a scrapbooking retreat in Collinsville.
My friend Marie could use your prayers as she continutes to wage her battle with cancer.
My friend Renna is going through Chemo so she could use your prayers as well.
My new friend Ryan who wants to go to New Guinea as a missionary needs all the prayers he can get for sponsorship and one time donations!
Fall is on the way. I love Fall, it's my favorite time of the year.
We have 2 bdays in this house tomorrow! Wooo Hoo!!

I think that's it for now!

See ya! God Bless you!!