Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8/10 Blog Challenge

This week, at Scrapfreak, we have been challenged to List the letters A-Z and use adjectives or phrases to describe yourself. So, here goes nothing!

A - Aggressive
B - Bossy
C- Colorful
D - Dangerous
E - Extreme
F - Freaky
G - Gregarious
H - Happy
I - Interesting
J - Joyful
K - Kisser
L - Loves her Daddy
M -Maniac
N - Nosey
O - Oprah lover
P - Prayerful
Q - Quiet (when sleeping)
R - Rowdy
S - Sentimental
T - Talkative
U - Unusual
V - Visual
W - Wacky
X - Xperimental
Y - Young
Z - Zealous

Okay...I tried really hard on the X but couldn't find anything! This wasn't was easy as I thought it would be! Happy reading!!


Tracy said...

Great list!

The Schmiddy said...

Jo Anne! You know your "F" stands for "Flatulent"!! Now go back and correct your list and this time BE HONEST! (With yourself!)

The Moo said...

May take on a list of adjectives about you!

A - Amazing
B - Beautiful
C- Creative
D - Delightful
E - Effervescent
F - Fun
G - Great cook!
H - Honest
I - Intercessor
J - Jubilant
K - Kind
L - Loving
M - Merry
N - Nice
O - Outgoing
P - Persistent
Q - Queen Rowdy
R - Relayer
S - Solid character
T - Truthful
U - Understanding
V - Vivacious
W - Welcoming
X - Xtra special friend
Y - Youthful
Z - Zesty

Jo Anne said...

Thank you Moo for your awesome adjectives for me!! I think I like intercessor best!! thanks my friend!