Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 6 of Fasting!!

Lots of prayer yesterday and no Scrapfreak or accidental chocolate yesterday!!!

I did instant message Monica and Amy today and Shannon emailed me so I was a little less cut off today!! Although, those M&M's in the kitchen called to me all day! I finally put them into the pantry this morning!

So, I get to get back on Scrapfreak tomorrow and get to eat some chocolate Friday. Since I accidentally ate chocolate two different days, I decided to extend the chocolate fast to Friday! It's just the right thing to do!!

I was just thinking the other day that I really don't hear too much outside of the Pentecostal and spirit filled non denominational churches, about fasting. The Bible really has lots of references to fasting that are exceptional! My favorite example is when some of the disciples try to heal a boy with epilepsy and Jesus heals him and then tells the disciples privately that this healing could only occur with prayer and fasting!

So, if we gorge ourselves with food, TV, the internet, games and other things and are called suddenly into a prayer session, how much power is lost if we are not ready? That is something to think about! Jesus apparently was fasting and the disciples were not at the time the healing should have occured. They weren't ready - how many times will we miss opportunities because we aren't ready? It's something to think about!

Have a blessed day.

Jo Anne

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