Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Here's what I am thinking about food and eating less -

1). Once you start to cut back, you are immediately HUNGRY.
2). I must have been eating way over 2500 calories a day before I got started cutting back this week!!
3). I don't like diet foods. What works for me is to eat what I like, but in smaller portions!
4). I just think when people have these great recipes that have all low fat or no fat, I would rather not have it. I am just not interested! Then I think it must not be me, their taste buds are just crazy!!
5). I guess what probably got me into this shape to begin with (besides my German heritage) is my love for sodas! I read a report today that liquid calories are not handled the same as hard calories. So you eat a burger that has 400 calories and drink a big soda with 400 calories. Your brain will tell you when you have had enough of the burger but you don't get the signal for those liquid calories! Grrrrrrr!!
6). I love fried foods - I didn't know I was eating so much fat although I don't have a problem with my cholesterol! That is part of my German heritage! I heard a joke once that said that there is only one page in a German cookbook and it says FRY EVERYTHING!! I love everything fried...except maybe twinkies! Fried is what I grew up with!
7). I have always admired people like weight lifters and body builders thinking (and I am wrong) that they could eat anything they want. Look at them closely and I think we would find that they eat healthy and like lots of supplements. So...I do need more exercise so possibly I could boost those food cravings with food! Good food!
8). Am I going to have to be this vigilent for the rest of the "lifestyle change" to get where I want? Yes
9). Am I going to have to be this vigilent once I reach a goal weight? Yes...for the rest of my life!
10). I suppose there will be days that I don't want to work the new lifestyle, like today when I feel like I am starving, but I will have to GUT IT OUT so I can stay on track!!

Food - I hope to put it somewhere in the background within the next few days so there won't be such a loud clamor going on all the time!

See ya!! Pray for me!! I covet your prayers!!


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